The Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine–The Healing Power of Nature will be a multi-volume textbook series published by the Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Institute (FNMI).
FNMI is an international, intergenerational codification of the philosophy, principles and theory of naturopathic medicine with modern science, clinical practice and public policy; a collaboration of over 300 authors, editors, colleges and agencies in the naturopathic medical community dedicated to developing teaching tools, resources and a textbook series for naturopathic medical and integrative health professions. Editorial Team: Executive and Senior Editors: Pamela Snider, ND (Executive Editor, US); Jared Zeff, ND, LAc (US); Joseph Pizzorno, ND (US); Stephen Myers, ND, BMed, PhD (AU); James Sensenig, ND (in memoriam); Roger Newman Turner, ND, DO, BAc ( UK); Don Warren, ND (CA); Thom Kruzel, ND (US). Production Editor Kelsang Tenpa, MA (US); Medical Editor Amy Neil, MS, MAP (US).
The FMNI pre-release material is found in journal articles published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (IMCJ) and in pages on this website published by FNMI. To access an article, click on its image.